Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cruise Victoria reaches Environmental Milestone

CVS Cruise Victoria is a provider of motor coach and shuttle bus services in Victoria, BC Canada. We provide services for Cruise Lines and the Greater Victoria Harbour Authority in addition to serving tourists from around the world. Since the inception of the Company in early 2007, Cruise Victoria has been operating it's fleet of motor coaches on various blends of Bio-Diesel. In April of 2008 we moved to using 100% Soy based Bio-Fuels - with no fossil fuels being burned.

Today we are proud to announce that Cruise Victoria has reached reductions of 100 tonnes of green house gases. This is equivalent to reducing the number of vehicles on the road annually by 20 passenger cars, just by using Bio-Fuel instead of Fossil Fuel. We further reduce our carbon foot print by our strict policies limiting engine idling, in addition to monitoring our passenger loads to ensure that our coaches only operate when necessary. Our average load factor in 2008 was 41.2 passengers per trip (Cruise Shuttle Services).

We remain the only major motor coach operator in Western Canada operating using 100% Bio-Fuel and we look forward to continuing success with the program in the future.

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